Today's Dish
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♥Sweet Rice Syrup (Jo Cheong)♥ Rice Syrup is a Korean traditional sweetener with only rice, malt, and water. Rice syrup can be used for your cooking instead of sugar. It has no sugar, lots of fiber and natural flavor, also can give shiness to your food ◊Ingredient • Sweet Rice 500g, Malt, 250g, Water 400ml (for Cook the rice), Water 2-2.5L (For Final cooking) ◊MOP • Wash rice really well until the water is clear (wash more than usual rice cooking) • Cook the rice with the rice cooker (Water should be 1/3% less than usual rice cooking) • Once rice cooked, add the malt into the rice cooker and mix well • Add water (it's okay water really full) and mix one more time keep warm mode for 12hours • After 12hours, drained the liquid with really fine cheese clothes (I used clothes for nut milk) • Do not squeeze too hard, it causes unclear final products • Once squeezed all the liquid, wash the rice cooker and put the liquid back to the rice cooker • Use the cook mode of the rice cooker, boil the liquid for 2-2.5hours with open cover • When thickness reach little less than honey it's done (You don't want to get desired thickness when it's hot, because it will be thicker when it's cooled down) 오늘의 요리 ♥조청♥ ◊재료 • 찹쌀 500g, 엿기름 250g, 물 400ml(밥할때), 물 2-2.5L (엿기름 내릴때) ◊요리방법 • 찹쌀을 깨끗하게 여러번 씻어 주세요 (일반적인 밥 할때보다 더 많이 씻어서 찰기를 없애 주세요) • 밥솥에 물을 적게 잡고 밥을 해 주세요 • 밥이 다 되면 엿기름을 넣고 섞어 주세요 • 물을 넣고 (꽉 차도 괜찮아요) 12시간동안 보온에 놔주세요 • 촘촘한 면보에 넣고 짜주세요 • 너무 세게 짜면 조청이 탁해 질수 있으니 주의해 주세요 • 다 짜고 난 후, 밥솥을 한번 닦고 다시 짠 물을 밥솥에 넣어 주세요 • 취사모드로 2시간에서 2시간 반가량 끓여 주세요 • 꿀보다 좀 덜 끈적거릴때 끝내 주세요 (원하시는 끈적거림을 만들기 전에 끝내셔야 좋아요, 식고 나면 뜨거울 때 보다 좀더 끈끈해 집니다)
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